Running is an invitation—to move, to breathe, to feel the rhythm and drive the beat. Join us June 2 for the #globalrunningday Strava Challenge. 10 minutes or 10 miles—doesn’t matter. Take what you need. Then tell us: what does running invite into your life?
“There’s just more to this whole thing than medals and running fast.” For our newest Ambassador @steeple_squigs, running is an invitation to be more—and do more. She’s a Champion, mentor, and leader on and off the track. Catch Colleen empowering the next generation of runners through #fastbraidfriday and mentoring young women through Achieving My Purpose.
“There are many ways to protest, and ours is to run.” For activist and Ambassador @thatcoffeyboy and the @definenewyorkrubclub he founded, running is an invitation to keep fighting, educating, and bringing awareness to anti-racism. #globalrunningday
“We’re not here to make you cry. We’re not here to inspire you. We’re just here to run. Just like you.” For Triathlete and Ambassador @phtptxclsv, running is an invitation to make the sport accessible, easy, and carefree—for everyone. #globalrunningday
For DJ and Ambassador @daddydarkrdc, “Running is an invitation to chase your potential.” For yogi and Ambassador @misssanchialege, it’s “an invitation to be part of a new world.” What does running invite into your life? #globalrunningday